Onyx Coffee Lab

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The 2024 Advent Calendar Has Arrived!


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....

Day 20: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Halo Lot #8 | Onyx Coffee Lab

Day 20: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Halo Lot #8

  • This washed coffee from Halo is from our friend Abenezer at Origin Lands Coffee. This new venture has provided us with two of our favorite coffees of the season, this Halo and the Banko Gotiti lot that consists of Framily. Featuring Halo #8 within Advent was an easy choice, as it is one of those all-time great washed lots with notes like peach, lime, and honey.

    Tasting Notes:
    Peach, White Tea, Lime, Honey

    Click here for Advent Brew Guide



    COFFEE: 25G

    WATER: 400G WATER 204°F


    10 EK43
    687 Microns
    18 Baratza Encore
    7p Baratza Vario+
    23 Comandante C40
    4.6 Fellow Ode Gen 2


    Bloom to 50g
    0:30 - Heavy center pour to 200g
    1:30 - Spiral pour to 300g
    2:00 - Spiral pour to 400g
    ~3:45 drain

  • I like this coffee a lot. Definitely a lighter tea like coffee, it was immediately peach on the first sip and as the temp has dropped I'm getting brightness and citrus. I don't find the honey here much but it could definitely be my untrained pallet 😂 

  • This coffee was - pardon the pun - peachy keen! Strong notes of peach on first sip. As it cooled, I tasted more citrus zest. Very tea-like body. This was a really tasty cup, probably my favorite of the washed Ethiopians in the calendar.

  • Anyone else doing this as espresso? I'm using a Breville and notes don't seem to be coming through. 

  • @Onyx there is no 4.6 on the Ode Gen 2, please advise...

    Update: Nevermind! I guessed this was intended to be 4.66, 4.67, 4-2/3 (seen it all ways), and the brew time was spot on. Glad I didn't go any lower or else it would have stalled out.

  • Straight out of the dripper, you are punched in the face with Peach, and that's all I ever want from a coffee again. It reminds me of lot of this Santa Monica Colombia Wine Yeast/Peach Fermentation I got from Sumo earlier in the year, unbelievably so given this is just a washed process with no added fruit. The white tea with a touch of honey notes are spot on as well, and last for a while. 

    I've at least enjoyed all the washed Ethiopia beans this Advent, and I wish I could go back and compare this side by side with Framily and Hambela Bishan Fugu, but this might be the outright favorite of the bunch.


  • This one is also near the top for me. Did one batch in the Orea and one in the V60 and both came out superb, with a lot more fruit forward flavor in the Orea batch and a stronger tea like quality in the V60 batch. Each time I was really nervous the batch was stalling but it came out on time. I definitely wish I had some extra of this one to try it in the aeropress as well.

  • @MATTHEW BURNETT avoiding these as espresso as it's so hard to dial it in with the very little beans we have - good luck!

  • @MATTHEW BURNETT I did this as an espresso on my Bambino Plus + J-Max this morning because I was in a hurry. 

    I got super lucky with my first shot.  19g in / 45g out in about 40s (including 10s pre-infusion).  Seemed slow but ended up being an amazing shot.  Really rich honey with more lime and fruitiness as it cooled. I wouldn't have described it as peach but delicious nonetheless.  

    I'm excited to try it in my Aeropress and as a pourover later. 

  • Brewed this morning, I am a day behind. Just got an opus grinder struggling to match up grind settings this one stalled out a bit I grinded on a 6. Coffe was still very good 

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