Instant hit of milk chocolate when the bag is opened, it smells delicious. Very little sweetness to this coffee, which I think would have bought more balance. It reminds me of a black tea with som...
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Instant hit of milk chocolate when the bag is opened, it smells delicious. Very little sweetness to this coffee, which I think would have bought more balance. It reminds me of a black tea with som...
Interesting coffee this. Slightly acidic first hit and then, what I perceived as cherry but perhaps that's the grape and rose combination in the tasting profile. A honey like sweetness lingers on t...
These finer grind sizes are a real workout in the morning with a hand grinder 🥵 This really packed an instant flavour punch for a bright coffee. Plenty of berry on first sip and then melon. ...
Another finer grind but it flowed nicely through the dripper. I've got a bit of a cold so my taste buds might be lacking but the first taste for me was of a black tea. I actually could have mistake...
Deep smell of cocoa when grinding this one. On the lower end of the spectrum for grind size of the clever dripper I'm using but had no issues with extraction. A slightly bitter dark chocolate hit ...
@Monique Pressley I don't have that particular grinder but someone directed me to this: You could compare both using that I expect.
@Nick Valaitis I did search for some roast date information but came up short. I like to make a few notes on coffees I have tasted so this would be a nice addition to the website / forum etc.
Lots of upfront spiciness on this one. The flavour notes are more pronounced and I found I wasn't digging around too much to determine what each flavour was, perhaps owing to the finer grind. Sayin...
@Nick Valaitis Agreed on the lack of lingering on this one. A few seconds and it was gone. Like night and day vs yesterdays, which sat with me too long!
This one improved a lot after cooling, it becomes more honey tasting and complex. My first taste was a feeling of astringency, and then there is definitely that silk on the tongue. A nice, sweet fi...
First taste of this one and my immediate thought was bubblegum. It's strangely pleasant. I thought my palate must be well off but checked the notes and candy is listed so maybe that's it. Nearly th...
@sawyer burnett That chart is great. Thanks for sharing.
@Christopher James I tried it this morning with my normal settings and then this afternoon with the recommended course grind. I think I preferred the finer grind on this one myself but nice to try ...
Great tip from the Instagram comments to write the numbers on the bags, which I've done this morning to save any stress of those getting reshuffled! The joys of children 😆
@Christopher James BREW GUIDE ORIGAMI W/ KALITA 185 FILTER COFFEE: 25G WATER: 400G AT 203°F GRIND 11 EK43756 Microns21 Baratza Encore8q Baratza Vario+25 Comandante C405 Fellow...
I was panicked this morning to see that one of my children had moved bag 2 into another pouch. Then I discovered that both bags were green in pouch 2 / 23. There's no mistaking my 50/50 stab at get...
@Stephen Brown With the clever dripper, I get very consistent results with the water in first method. There's a great video of this by James Hoffman. It's my standard brew method these days. You ca...
Drinking this on the way to work on a frosty London morning. What a start to the calendar. Very bright coffee with cocoa undertones. I used my usual settings on this. Turned out great. Aergrind han...