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The 2024 Advent Calendar Has Arrived!


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....

Day 7: Burundi Long Miles Gaharo Hill | Onyx Coffee Lab

Day 7: Burundi Long Miles Gaharo Hill

  • This washed coffee comes to us from our friends at Long Miles Coffee Project. For years, they’ve aided in the production at the Bukeye and Heza stations, and we are thrilled to have partnered with them on this Gaharo lot. Expect notes of plum, and heavy caramelized sugars throughout the drinking experience.

    Tasting Notes:
    Plum, Green Apple, Grapefruit, Unrefined Cane Sugar

    Click here for Advent Brew Guide



    COFFEE: 25G

    WATER: 400G AT 202°F


    7.5 EK43
    528 Microns
    12 Baratza Encore
    5i Baratza Vario+
    18 Comandante C40
    3.3 Fellow Ode Gen 2


    Bloom to 50g
    0:30 - Heavy center pour to 200g
    1:30 - Spiral pour to 300g
    2:00 - Spiral pour to 400g
    ~4:00 drain

  • Another finer grind but it flowed nicely through the dripper. I've got a bit of a cold so my taste buds might be lacking but the first taste for me was of a black tea. I actually could have mistaken this for tea for the first few seconds. It then slowly drifts into something slightly sweeter and then astringent through to that very pronounced grapefruit and citrus. It's an interesting journey. I don't know that I'd like a full bag of this but it's quite different from my usual style.

  • Brewed this one on my Chemex  doing 50g/ 620g water. Encore set to 20. I found around 2:15 mark it stalled a little bit.

    At first sip while it was hot , i got this flavor of green apple and floral notes. But not tart or sour like the Kenyan from a few days ago. It’s very smooth. I’m also trying to decipher what other flavor I’m getting as i’m not really getting the cane sugar taste-possibly the plum?  What’s interesting about this cup is once you take a sip and the green apple taste disappears, the flavor just stays there and lingers.  No real highs or lows of  flavors.  Just a pleasantly long aftertaste. In a good way.  As Jordan Sadler put it. "An interesting journey" I enjoyed it!


    Now i'm trying to decide whether or not what to do next week when i go on a week-long cruise. As much as i want to keep the experince going, i rather have all my equipement to get the full experience.

  • @Nick Valaitis I see that you mentioned the brew stalling around the 2:15 mark. I have noticed that as well, with several of my pour-overs lately. I assumed that had to do with my technique, but can it be a symptom of grind setting? I told my wife this morning that the flow rate seemed to be dropping off significantly after the second pour and I didn't know why. I know this is a place to talk about the flavors of the coffee but I'd love to be pointed in the right direction for technique and other issues related to the stalling flow rate. 

    I traveled last weekend with my travel Aeropress. I pre-ground my coffees and stored them in mason jars for Saturday and Sunday. I don't have a decent hand grinder yet. Two days is different than a week, but I figured pre-ground was better than none. 

  • @David Wills Stalled for me as well, on a Kalita Wave 155 with filter screen at the bottom (which usually avoids stalling).

    Perhaps that's why, but not a lot going on in the cup for me with this one. Yesterday's was so fruity and funky that it's a tough act to follow, though. 

  • @David Wills yes! I'm getting significant stalling since starting the advent calendar. I've posted asking a few time for some tips on the grind setting on my opus. I assumed it was the grind setting because they haven't posted a setting for the opus. @Christopher James What filter screen? I'd love to find something that helps. 

  • The longer brew time and finer grind really helped with extraction here, and led to a rich, bold cup following their standard recipe on V60.

    There is a lot of sweetness to be found here, and on the nose it almost comes across as a toasted marshmallow. There is an underlying base that feels like traditional caramel/chocolate notes, adding depth, but not as pronounced as the Day 6 honey process coffee. The fruiter notes of plum round this out, and give it a "holiday" feel to me, similar to Framily. As it fully cooled to room temp, it changed to more of an intense floral. This coffee was a journey indeed.

    I really enjoyed this. Probably sits below the first couple washed Ethiopians and the Las Lajas Black Honey, but close.

  • I agree with @Jordan Sadler that I could've mistaken this coffee for tea initially. I may be off base, but this coffee feels very delicate (a huge contrast from yesterday's) and extremely enjoyable. 

    The brew guide was on point (stall and all). I used V60 and Baratza encore grind setting 12 and hit 4 minutes almost to the second.

  •  Long steep on my aeropress for this one today and it was awesome. Tasted a lot of malic acid in the cup with the green apple being most prominent and a pleasat grapefruit note in the aftertaste. I could drink this coffee all day. I think this is my second fav so far after the Aponte Village. 

  • For everyone having consistent stalling issues i'd recommend checking out Lance Hedrick's 121 pour over recipe. Really great if you find your grinder is producing a lot of fines and slowing down your brew.

  • BSGP grind size 44


    I'm getting a lot of acidity on this one, stalling was actually not an issue I ran into so perhaps I needed a finer grind? Like I said acidic but not in a bad or lasting way. Kind of like a quick touch to a 9v battery then immediately into darker more burnt flavors. I'm getting the sweetness of the sugar cane and the smell is absolutely of something sweet roasted. However I'm not finding the other flavors as I would expect.

    Overall a decent cup but not one of my favorites thus far.

  • There are sometimes good days, sometimes bad days - today is a bad day for me. Followed the recipe, but I wasn't able to extract what I was hoping out of the beans this time. I am having a hard time tasting plum or green apple, let alone cane sugar. It tastes almost stale to me...

    Curious if others had a similar experience or could share if they've ever come across a situation like that before?

    ~ First gen Ode on 3.3. grind, V60, followed the recipe.

  • @Stefan Unertl The Ode grind size recommendation is for Gen 2 burrs. I used Gen 1 at 1.3 to get a similar grind size to what's prescribed.

  • @Amanda Esposito Normcore 45.5mm Puck Screen Suitable For Flair Pro and Pro 2 - Lower Shower Screen - Metal Coffee Reusable Filter - 1.7mm Thickness 100μm - 316 Stainless Steel


  • I hit a stall on this one as well, particularly after the second pour. I think it's largely due to using a smaller device than ideal for the recipe (a Kalita 155 with 25g of coffee) - might go back to Chemex going forward.

    Found this one very sugar-forward - reminded me of eating the carmelized top of creme brulee, just a pure sweetness. 

  • @Chuck Benemerito good call re: creme brulee top, better way of describing it than toasted marshmallow

  • @Justin Collier Oh wow that's a very fine grind then, appreciate it! I honestly did not realize that the first gen cannot grind that fine, welp, today I learned...

    I found this chart below comparing Gen 1 and Gen 2 - is that how you found the correct grind size for the Gen 1?



  • @Stefan Unertl somebody shared this tool on the forum a couple days ago: Coffee grind size chart (honestcoffeeguide.com)

    EIDT: looks like you found it already, good luck

  • Nice

  • Absolutely delicious and unique. I brewed this coffee in a Chemex with white paper at a 1:16 ratio using my Ode Gen 2 with standard burrs at the receomded 3.3 setting. For 30 grams in and 500 grams out, the total. brew time took 5 minutes. A bit longer than than other coffees I've brewed recently. I can definitely pick out notes of caramel and green apple with a sweet grapefruit like acidity. The body is moderately light and has a juicy composition. I really like this coffee.

  • @Danny Lovell Thank you, exactly, I got those charts from there!

  • @Matt Lee Thanks for the video recommendation, I watched it over my lunch break. For some reason, I thought you wanted to finish with a "clean" filter and thus, always washed the sides with my second and third pours. The video was great, but tomorrow I'm going to start by not pouring down the side and allowing whatever fines collect along the filter to stay comfortable there. I'm sure that's 99% of my problem. I'll try the 1-2-1 Method later if I still have problems.

    Thank you for the video tip and the patience. I'm still new enough at this that I know any issues I have are most likely due to my technique and not the coffee/brewer. Lesson learned, onward and upward!

  • I'm having real issues with grind size and my 1zpresso J grinder (not helped by their website not being very clear about which variation of grinder I actually have). I've ordered this Brewler and will give it a go to see if I can at least get in the right micron range. Unfortunately, it doesn't arrive until Monday. 

  • Another good one today, really hard to follow yesterday's pick though.

    My first brew, I did a combo immersion/percolation in the pulsar. It didn't favor this coffe. Was just a bit bland.

    Second brew I did a more straight percolation brew in the puslsar again. This time it was much better, and it really evolved as it colled down. At first, very tanniny- like a black tea, as it cooled, I got that molassasy pleasently burt sugar taste. Then it tasted its best right above body temp, it was like before but added a subtle but pleasent citrus and sweetness, I'm calling it carmelized myer's lemon.

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