New Belgium – Onyx Coffee Lab

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The 2024 Advent Calendar Has Arrived!


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Ethiopia Hambela Alaka Colombia Tio Conejo Gesha Honey Honduras Montaña Congolón Cold Brew


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....

N e w B e l g i u m

Peach | Mixed Berries | Raw Sugar | Dark Chocolate


Filter & Espresso

-115 LBS


Loring S70 Peregrine

Raised-Bed Dried

Coffee Summary

Costa Rica

Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon

February '24

Red Honey



Hover over each feature to learn more.

Every year, New Belgium’s award-winning wood-aged sour program releases it’s annual La Folie Reserve, a pioneering, coffee-infused sour ale that has earned a reputation for its bold experimentation. This year, their release features a beer infused with this offering from our friends at Las Lajas. Working with New Belgium has allowed us to explore how our coffee can be experienced in a new way, and it’s an honor to highlight our friends at Las Lajas through this collaboration. Enjoy notes of peach, mixed berry, raw sugar, and dark chocolate.


Costa Rica

Costa Rica's coffee history is marked by innovation and quality. Introduced in the 18th century, coffee quickly became vital to the economy and gained recognition for its exceptional quality. Early on, Costa Rica prioritized sustainability, protecting forests and water sources. Micro-mills and alternative processing methods, like natural processing, became popular. We proudly partner with producers leading in their communities and globally.


1600 MASL

Elevation influences coffee cultivation, impacting flavor and quality. Higher elevations offer cooler temperatures, slowing the growth of coffee cherries, allowing more time for complex sugar and flavor development. This results in coffee with brighter acidity and a nuanced flavor profile. Additionally, cooler conditions at high altitudes reduce pests and diseases, making these coffees highly prized for their superior quality and distinct taste.



Bourbon (pronounced Bor-Bone) originally hails from the island known as La Réunion. It spread to Brazil and onwards, and now is grown worldwide. It is slowly being replaced by more 'modern' varieties with better yield and disease resistance, but we love that classic, juicy Bourbon profile when we come across it.


Caturra is a natural mutation that occurred of Bourbon. Since its discovery in Brazil, it has spread throughout Latin America and is now the benchmark of specialty coffee. It would be an easy case to make to say that Caturra is the workhorse of coffee varieties. But then, you'd have to call a workhorse delicious, and that would be pretty weird.


Related to both Bourbon and Caturra, Catuai is often found growing within Central America. Solid, dependable, and vigorous, this coffee variety is typically the choice of someone prizing production yield over quality. We most often find these to be heavily processed or blended amongst another better tasting variety.


Costa Rica

The specialty harvest throughout Central America is concentrated mainly within the months from January through April. The shipping season begins shortly after first harvest and extends well into the months of June and July. The lower elevation regions tend to harvest first, and the high elevation regions harvest slower, with the cold nights lending to the slower maturation of coffee fruit. We tend to buy from our relationships in Central America once a year, with the freshness season running from May until early December.


Red Honey

This coffee is depulped, but the pectin layer of the fruit remains on the outside. The seeds are then dried on a covered raised-bed for an average of fifteen days. The processing impact in the final cup is noticeable, with flavor indicating a balance of fermentation and variety-specific characteristics within the overall cup profile.


Raised-Bed Dried

Raised-beds are scaffold like structures that elevate perforated trays that hold coffee parchment or cherries. The holes in the structure allow for airflow on a near 360 degree level, ensuring that the coffee dries evenly when proper bed turning is practices. Some even go as far as covering the beds with a partial block from the sun, which extends drying and ensures the cell structure of the coffee goes largely undamaged from the UV.


Loring S70 Peregrine

Prior to production, each roast goes through a rigorous dial-in process, where we fine-tune our temperature curves. We roast to tight tolerances, with no more than 1° deviation from target temperatures, ensuring quality and consistency in each batch.


#74.5 Light

Light roast coffees are straightforward. If roasting is like looking at coffee through a window, light roasts would be the cleanest, clearest window of which you could view the entirety of your coffee. The vast majority of our single-origin coffees are in this category, and within this roast level, next to no roast characteristics are detected, making space for the full profile of variety, processing, and origin to shine.


-115 LBS

Day after day, producers, roasters, and cuppers alike all spend countless hours of work to produce and roast small, traceable lots that we within specialty coffee call microlots. Ranging anywhere from a few lbs to many pallets, this nebulous category refers to a traceable single-origin, producer or even specific picking date. Is all that hard work keeping things separate worth it? That is up for you to decide...


Filter, Espresso

Our Education Team, guided by a commitment to quality, uses a blend of sensory skills and technology to brew the best coffee in our cafes and brew guides. We strive for vibrant and mouthwatering acidity, complex and approachable flavor, persistent and clear sweetness, and structured and pleasant mouthfeel, ensuring you're getting the best coffee experience.

| 10.0024° N, 84.2160° W | Coffee Export: 88 kT | HARVEST SEASON: March | Avg Elevation: 1100 MASL | Rainfall: 125" | 10.0024° N, 84.2160° W | Coffee Export: 88 kT | HARVEST SEASON: March | Avg Elevation: 1100 MASL | Rainfall: 125" |

T h e S t o r y

At Onyx, we have a soft spot for naturally processed coffees. We eagerly await the fresh crop from one specific micro mill that has captured the hearts of Onyx enthusiasts far and wide: Las Lajas in the Central Valley, Costa Rica.

Oscar and Francisca Chacon gained considerable notoriety within the...

E x t r a c t i o n G u i d e s



Origami & Kalita Wave 185

Coffee: 22g

Water: 340g @ 200°F


Grind Calculator →


0:00 - Bloom - 60g
0:30 - Spiral Pour - 140g
1:00 - Spiral Pour - 240g
1:45 - Spiral Pour - 340g
Drain 3:20




Coffee: 19g

Yield: 40g


Line Pressure: 0-3.5s

9 Bar Until Done




Origami & Kalita Wave 185

Café: 22g

Agua: 340g @ 93°C


Calculador de molido →


0:00 - Bloom - 60g
0:30 - Spiral Pour - 140g
1:00 - Spiral Pour - 240g
1:45 - Spiral Pour - 340g
Drain 3:20




Café: 19g

Rendimiento: 40g


Line Pressure: 0-3.5s

9 Bar hasta que esté listo.


T r a n s p a r e n c y

We as a company believe that transparency is unbelievably important. The point of listing things below is not to justify what we charge or what we profit, but to give a realistic snapshot of the industry and how specialty coffee can be different than other commodity industries.






Green Cost





Fair Trade Min.


Cup Score


Lot Size


Transparency Grade


C Market