Ethiopia Yaye Chericho | Onyx Coffee Lab
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Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Colombia La Palma Gesha Lactic Honey Peru La Margarita Gesha Cold Brew Honduras Kilverth Sagastume Natural


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New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....


FREE shipping for orders over $40


Costa Rica Las Lajas Natural Colombia La Palma Gesha Lactic Honey Peru La Margarita Gesha Cold Brew Honduras Kilverth Sagastume Natural


FREE shipping for orders over $40


New Teas offerings have launched now in eco sachets. We've taken weighing to the tenth of a gram out of your hands so that each cup is perfect. We suggest trying Onyx Tealight which has organic oats and honey along with black tea and cinnamon to create a complex sweetness and silky mouthfeel tea experience.


Twitter is the K-cup of Coffee....

Ethiopia Yaye Chericho

This expressive micro-lot is a new relationship for us in East Africa. Processed as a washed, this heirloom variety retains the florals we come to expect from high-quality Ethiopian coffee with an added depth of sweetness. This late arriving Ethiopian micro-lot has been meticulously processed, exuding both sweetness and acidity, creating a balanced experience in the cup.


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Level: Moderate  |  Agtron # 71.9

2100 Meters
Melon, Jasmine, Kiwi, Juicy
top of box
bottom of box
Washed & Raised-Bed Dried
2100 Meters
Melon, Jasmine, Kiwi, Juicy


Coffees grown in the Arbegona region are some of the highest grown coffees in the country. With elevation soaring up to nearly 2300 meters, these coffees are slow growing, with the average screen size of the seeds vastly smaller than others in the country. This exceedingly high elevation, combined with careful attention to picking and agronomy leads to wonderfully vibrant cup profiles; we’ve experienced intense florals and bright tropical fruits with more intensity than we are accustomed to. This honey lot was processed at a very new station, the Yaye Station, located just down the road from the Bensa stations. Operated by Faysel Abdosh, this mill services the small-holder producers of the greater region. Outside of purchasing cherry, Faysel has initiatives to provide services to the community by developing infrastructure around medical needs, electricity, and water. It’s often that the conversation around purchasing coffee revolves around pricing, however, that is only one side of the transaction. As we’ve seen from global inflation, it’s not enough to say that producers are getting higher prices for their coffee, as these higher prices are dramatically offset by soaring inflation. Projects like the water pipeline and the electricity project can radically shift the conversation about equity and living conditions in these regions, and we’ll continue to partner with people like Catalyst and Faysel to aid in these projects.

The washed process begins with coffee cherries delivered to the washing station, both from the primary market or from farmers bringing their coffee directly to the mill. The cherries are inspected, and an initial quick round of hand-sorting separates the defective coffees before placing them into the hopper. They are then funneled to the depulper, which removes the fruit from the seeds (beans). After that phase is done, the coffee is fermented underwater for approximately 12-36 hours. During this fermentation, a microbial de-mucilagation takes place, which allows the outer fruit and pectin layer to break down, making the coffee easier to dry. This phase also crucially alters the organic acids within the coffee, as sugars and organic acids are transformed, with the best washed coffees maintaining their complex fruit esters. Once the fermentation is complete, the parchment is emptied into the washing channels, where it is agitated with rakes to remove the last of the fruit layer. During this step, the water is refreshed to ensure its capability of separating the fruit layer from the seed. Once the washing is complete, the coffee is taken to the raised drying tables for sun drying

Filter Brew Guide

Equipment: Origami with Cone Filter &

Coffee: 16g

Water: 225g @ 205°F

511µm Grind Calculator →


0:00 - Bloom - 30g
0:30 - Center Pour - 95g
1:00 - Spiral Pour - 160g
1:30 - Spiral Pour - 225g
Drain 2:30

Espresso Guide
Filter Brew Guide En Español
Espresso Guide En Español

Green Cost

The subject of paying for green coffee is inherently complicated. While the amount paid is very important, the payment terms and type of contract negotiated during the purchase are also paramount. Paying $5/lb of coffee can be a great price, but could be detrimental to a producer if the payment terms exceed that of their needs. Here we will dive into not only what was paid for the coffee, but how the coffee was purchased. There is a glossary of terms to be found below which will aid in your understanding of industry terms.

Farm Gate - This reflects what is paid to the producer of the coffee at the farm level. Oftentimes in terms of our relationship coffees, FOB is fairly close to the farm gate price, except for countries like Ethiopia and Kenya, when it is very difficult to trace back all the way to the producer.

FOB - Free on Board. This means that the seller is responsible for any overland fees that happen before the coffee is on board the ship. This is our most frequently listed green cost, as it is the most simple way to present what we pay a seller, but it does not reflect what the person growing the coffee was paid.

EXW- This most often reflects the 'spot' price that we paid for a coffee. All of the cost is paid by the importer, and more often than not the FOB price as well as the transport costs are unknown.



The price listed below is the cost we incurred while shipping this coffee via FTL freight.


Production Cost


Fair Trade Min.


C Market


Cup Score


Lot Size


Transparency Grade



We as a company believe that transparency is unbelievably important. The point of listing things below is not to justify what we charge or what we profit, but to give a realistic snapshot of the industry and how Specialty Coffee can be different than other commodity industries.



We as a company believe that transparency is unbelievably important. The point of listing things below is not to justify what we charge or what we profit, but to give a realistic snapshot of the industry and how Specialty Coffee can be different than other commodity industries.

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