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C o l o m b i a
I s a u r a
C u c h u m b e

Lime Toasted Almond Baker's Chocolate Orange


Filter & Espresso

-517 LBS

Expressive Light
Agtron #75.2

Diedrich CR-35

Raised-Bed Dried

Coffee Summary



January '24




Hover over each feature to learn more.

Isaura, a 49-year-old coffee producer, bought her own farm eleven years ago with her husband Neyid and their five children. This high-quality coffee is part of Pergamino's Allied Producer Program, which aids us in paying premium prices for exceptional micro-lots, significantly benefiting producers in the region.

Isaura, a 49-year-old coffee producer, bought her own farm eleven years ago with her husband Neyid and their five children. This high-quality coffee is part of Pergamino's Allied Producer Program,...



Colombia uniquely offers a diverse array of coffee varieties and processing methods. Known for innovation and resilience, Colombia's coffee history dates back to the early 19th century, with smallholder farmers...



1900 MASL

Elevation influences coffee cultivation, impacting flavor and quality. Higher elevations offer cooler temperatures, slowing the growth of coffee cherries, allowing more time for complex sugar and flavor development. This results...




The Chiroso variety, despite its recent spike in notoriety, has been around longer than many realize. Before its appearance in the 2023 World Barista Championship, it was crowned almost a...




Colombia has a unique harvest schedule, thanks to the varied topography and proximity to the equator. Between those two variables, Colombia harvests nearly year round across the five main coffee...




The wet mill is also sometimes referred to as a washing station, indicating a large agrarian facility housing an arsenal of equipment designated for the sorting, de-pulping, fermenting, and drying...



Raised-Bed Dried

Raised-beds are scaffold like structures that elevate perforated trays that hold coffee parchment or cherries. This has high airflow and yields a longer drying time. Raised-beds are scaffold like structures...



Diedrich CR-35

Prior to production, each roast goes through a rigorous dial-in process, where we fine-tune our temperature curves. We roast to tight tolerances, with no more than 1° deviation from target...



Whole Bean Agtron: #75.2
Roast Level: Expressive Light

Nordic-style roasting is a moniker applied to the very light roasting style that many employ in Northern Europe. We've opted to refer to this as Expressive Light. If a coffee...



-517 LBS

Day after day, producers, roasters, and cuppers alike all spend countless hours of work to produce and roast small, traceable lots that we within specialty coffee call microlots. Ranging anywhere...



0mg / 12oz

With less than 25mg of caffeine per 12oz cup, these coffees still have full flavor. Whether you are sensitive to or abstain from caffeine, you can enjoy them in the morning, noon, and night.



Filter, Espresso

Our Education Team, guided by a commitment to quality, uses a blend of sensory skills and technology to brew the best coffee in our cafes and brew guides. We strive...

| 4.5298° N, 75.7036° W | Coffee Export: 840 kT | HARVEST SEASON: October | Avg Elevation: 1500 MASL | Rainfall: 150" | 4.5298° N, 75.7036° W | Coffee Export: 840 kT | HARVEST SEASON: October | Avg Elevation: 1500 MASL | Rainfall: 150" |

T h e S t o r y

The name Pergamino coffee has been synonymous with high-quality Colombian coffee for years. We’ve long partnered with Pedro Echavarría to purchase coffees from their family estates, and over the last four years we’ve partnered with Pergamino on the Allied Producer...

E x t r a c t i o n G u i d e s



Origami & Kalita Wave 185

Coffee: 18g

Water: 280g @ 204°F


Grind Calculator →


0:00 - Bloom - 40g
0:30 - Center Pour - 120g
1:00 - Spiral Pour - 200g
1:30 - Spiral Pour - 280g
Drain 2:10




Coffee: 18g

Yield: 42g


Line Pressure: 0-3.5s

9 Bar Until Done




Origami & Kalita Wave 185

Café: 18g

Agua: 280g @ 96°C


Calculador de molido →


0:00 - Bloom - 40g
0:30 - Center Pour - 120g
1:00 - Spiral Pour - 200g
1:30 - Spiral Pour - 280g
Drain 2:10




Café: 18g

Rendimiento: 42g


Line Pressure: 0-3.5s

9 Bar hasta que esté listo.


Method: Origami
Coffee: 18g
Ratio: 1:15
Water: 280g @ 204°F
Grind: 610um

Ready to brew?

  • 0:00 Bloom to 40g
  • 0:30 Center Pour to 120g
  • 1:00 Spiral Pour to 200g
  • 1:30 Spiral Pour to 280g
  • 2:10 Drain

F i n a n c i a l T r a n s p a r e n c y

We as a company believe that transparency is unbelievably important. The point of listing things below is not to justify what we charge or what we profit, but to give a realistic snapshot of the industry and how specialty coffee can be different than other commodity industries.

Green Cost


What we paid

The subject of paying for green coffee is inherently complicated. While the amount paid is very important, the payment terms and type of contract negotiated during the purchase are also...

Pay Structure


Traceability in Payment

These ratings do not signify the “ethical grade” of a purchased coffee, instead they are created to show data to everyone. These ratings simply signify how much we understand what...

Market Price


Commodity price at time of purchase

Since coffee was first sold, producers have sought to increase or maintain the price of their product. In 1988, the first certified Fair Trade coffee was sold in Holland as...



Import cost

This number represents the cost we incurred while the coffee was moved from the producing country to our roastery in Arkansas. The amount of information we supply here is correlated...

Cup Score


Objective sensory quality score

As we travel the world and taste coffees, we evaluate all the coffees we taste on a scoresheet developed by coffee professionals around the world. Through this, we can participate...

Lot Size



Lot size is seemingly straightforward when taken at face value, but it gets more convoluted as you look closely at the vernacular of the specialty coffee industry. Terms such as...

R o a s t P r o f i l e

We roast to tight tolerances, with no more than 1° deviation from target temperatures. During the roast, we keep an especially close eye on rate of rise (RoR)- or the rate at which the bean temperature is increasing. This derevation gives us a much closer look at what's happening to the coffee during development. Below you'll find our most recently roasted batch of Colombia Isaura Cuchumbe.

Roast Date:
Charge Temp:
Finish Temp:
Machine: Diedrich CR-35



Air and Bean Temperature °F

Time in Seconds

Find your roast →

T h i r d - P a r t y T e s t i n g

We believe that quality is more than just flavor— it’s trust, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. That’s why we take extra steps to ensure that every cup of coffee you brew meets the highest standards of purity and safety.



We recently subjected our coffees to rigorous third-party testing for mold and the mycotoxins they can produce—harmful compounds that may develop when certain molds grow on coffee beans. The results couldn’t be clearer: our coffee is 100% mold-free.

View the Report


Heavy Metals

We recently subjected our coffees to rigorous third-party testing for heavy metals—including Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury to ensure that every cup meets stringent safety benchmarks. We employ AOAC Method 2015.01, a gold-standard analytical technique in food safety with a detection limit in the parts per billion.

In Process

Our Facility

We adhere to strict food safety standards, including compliance with the Arkansas Department of Health Coffee and Tea Manufacturing Permit, GMP, and our Food Safety Plan. We ensure quality and safety through rigorous sourcing, processing, and sanitation protocols to deliver the highest standard of coffee to our customers.

Learn More

In Transport


Hermetic liners protect green coffee during storage and transit by maintaining stable humidity, preventing mold, and preserving flavor. Used inside jute bags, they reduce contamination risk and help maintain quality on the way to our roastery.

Learn More

Onyx pays a living wage, and these certifications prove it. Onyx pays a living wage, and these certifications prove it. Onyx pays a living wage, and these certifications prove it.